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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Display raid details for P400 raid controller card

To display details or information of the P400 raid for on a HP Itanium server HP-UX 11.31...

# ioscan -kfnd ciss
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
ext_bus 5 0/6/0/0/0/0/1/0/0/0 ciss CLAIMED INTERFACE PCIe SAS SmartArray P400 RAID


# sautil /dev/ciss5

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Changing SMH (a.k.a SAM) from GUI to Terminal in 11.31

In HP-UX 11i v3, when you issue smh (new sam command), it will bring you the new firefox smh browser.

If you wish to use back the old terminal sam, issue the command below.

#unset DISPLAY ; /usr/sbin/smh

Note that this will not change permanently.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

How to install .depot files

For example, you want to install software.depot file

In root, issue the command

#swinstall -s /tmp/software.depot

Make sure you define the full path working directory where the file is.

Changing hostname & IP address

To change, edit the following file below
#vi /etc/rc.config/netconf

After that you will need to restart the services.

#cd /sbin/init.d

#./net stop
#./net start
#./hostname start

Checking the World Wide Name (WWN) on HP-UX

Assuming that you have a HBA (Fiber Channel) Card installed on your server.

Issue the command ioscan -nfC FC

Get the device path for the desire FC.

e.g. /dev/fcd0

Issue the command

#fcmsutil /dev/fcd0

Look for the line below.

N_Port Port WWN:

That will be your WWN for that fiber port. Good luck!

Recall command history on HP-UX

To recall the commands that you have issued in HP-UX, change the shell to korn shell.

#ksh -o vi

Press ESC and K on the keyboard.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2 ways to increase the swap space

  1. By using SAM
    SAM > Disk and File Systems > Swap > Actions
    You can add the Device Swap or File System Swap.

  2. By Command Line
    Create the logical volume for your secondary swap:
    # lvcreate -L 128 /dev/vg14

    NOTE: "-L 128" is the size of desired swap

    Verify the logical volume:
    # lvdisplay /dev/vg14/lvol15

    Use SAM to declare your new secondary swap or use the command line:
    # swapon /dev/vg14/lvol15

    Verify it has been added in "/etc/fstab" when using SAM, or add it manuallywhen using the command line.

    /dev/vg14/lvol15 . swap defaults 0 0


To view a list of peripherals on the server, issue the command...
  1. For HDD
    ioscan -nfC disk
  2. For tape drive
    ioscan -nfC tape
  3. For LAN - Ethernet Card
    ioscan -nfC LAN
  4. For FC - Fiber Channel
    ioscan -nfC FC

The next time you want to view it again, you can use the -k option for cache so that you don't have to wait for it to scan the entire system again.

For example...
ioscan -knfC disk

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How to increase the logical volume size?

Before increasin the size of the logical volume, always ensure that you do a make_tape_recovery and fbackup on the data stored on that particular logical volume that you wish to increase.

Always check your current and free lvol size before increasing so you can keep track and notice the differents.

We take a scenario where I would want to increase my /dev/vg00/lvol10 to 1GB
  1. umount /dev/vg00/lvol10
  2. lvextend -L 1024 /dev/vg00/lvol10
  3. extendfs -F vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol10
  4. mount /dev/vg00/lvol10 /myfolder
  5. bdf

bdf command to check your increased lvol size.